Turning Potential Judgement Into Compassion

In retrospect it was a learning opp for me. Yesterday someone felt compelled to tell me about a mutual acquaintance, at least something they had done and they even had video proof of it. While it did boarder on gossip I suppose I still listened because clearly it was bothering this person and they felt the need to justify why they felt a certain way. My initial response was, damn, that’s kind of a big deal. I think it’s important as a leader to be able to listen to what others have to say, especially when they’re expressing their feelings genuinely. Confidentiality is also important and I’m glad this person felt they could confide in me as I wasn’t about to repeat what they just told me.

My friend asked me not to say anything or treat the other person differently and I responded with of course not. I was thinking about it on the way home and like I said my initial reaction was a little bit of shock at what I had just seen and this persons feelings were understandable but after pondering a wee bit more I was thinking just because I’m an honest person now who couldn’t possibly lie without flinching doesn’t mean I was always that way. In fact there was a nice chunk of my life when lying wasn’t a problem for me so if nothing else this soon became a who am I to judge kind of thing. Who’s to say they’re not on the same kind of path as me and one of these days they too will wake up and change their ways. You don’t know what you don’t know.

My next thought was that they could very well be a newbie here on Earth meaning they’re a new soul so they might have a long way to go. Or perhaps they’re narcissistic which would make them also with a long way to go but also with the most potential for turn around and growth. Either way it reminded me of the first beatitude saying how individuals may be far from enlightenment but they’re still family and compassion for them comes first. They too are here on this planet to learn their own set of lessons and I certainly don’t want to judge anyone for that. Not necessarily because judging isn’t cool but because I’ve been there. I mean, who hasn’t lied really? This one did happen to be a big one and they got caught but I know I’ve told some whoppers in my day and I too have been caught. It sucks lol but there’s no better way to learn.

The hardest part now is not being able to explain all this to the person who came to me in confidence because it’s not my place, I know where they’re at in their journey and I do know they wouldn’t quite understand my perspective if I told them all that. Every journey’s different and everybody is at a different level going their own pace so I don’t know who’s ready to hear the ways of the New Earth which is why I have to wait for others to approach me (when the time is right). While everything is between them really, for me, it was an opportunity to put into practice all that I’ve learnt thus far. Good leaders think before they react and good leaders don’t take sides or judge others and it’s definitely part of what I’m in training for.

I have to treat everyone with (unconditional) love and respect and this situation gave me the opportunity to recognize that and make sure I remember it as well. With all that said and all my gratitude for job well done, here are some photos for your visual enjoyment.

this made me laugh and weirded me out at the same time, Ben Franklin keeping tabs
li’l bit
happy birFday pops, 78 years young

13 Moon Tarot

this morning, thank you

Love and Light