Two Pennies

Spirit never seizes to amaze me, I swear to God, it’s so beautiful. As it was getting close to closing up the shop tonight a little boy, I don’t know five or six, came right up to me and said, “I have something I want to give you.” I replied with, “you do?” He confirmed with a big yes and told me he just found them on the ground and after repeating he wanted to give them to me, he handed me two pennies. It was all I could do not to cry in the moment, but believe you me, I’m crying as I type this. I thanked him lovingly and asked if I could have a hug. He didn’t hesitate and obliged. He was so sweet.

Not one, but two pennies, one from my mother and one from my brother is exactly how I interpreted this little angel with his gift of two pennies letting me know my passed on loved ones are right here with me cheering me on and letting me know how much they love me. Spirit blows my mind more often than  not and I couldn’t be more grateful.

I’m still processing my brothers passing as it was so unexpected, but then again my mothers was too. Do I think my brothers passing has something to do with my journey? Yes I do. I believe we all come to Earth with a basic blueprint, free will allows destiny to take different paths along the way but I absolutely believe my brothers exit point was right on time. As hard as it may be to feel the loss right this second, it was meant to be. Many probably won’t understand that concept right now but I have faith with time that many more will.

Speaking of my brother, I asked him for a sign last week. I asked him to show me a sign in the form of a Peter Schilling song, his all time favorite. My brother was what I called a musical genius, I used to poke fun at him and go so far as to say he was musically autistic because he was that good at knowing everything about it. He would always say, I’ll give you twenty bucks if you can tell me who’s singing this song knowing damn well I couldn’t. He always knew who the artist was, the year it came out, who played bass, where they were touring, everything. It was crazy how much he knew. He was good. And tonight shortly before that little angel arrived in my store, I got my song. Thank you John Henry, I love you.

I mean damn. I knew this song and all, I actually really liked this song too growing up, but damn, those lyrics have my mind blown once again. Mind blown.

Love and Light