Two Years Ago Today

Two years ago today my beautiful mother transitioned her precious soul to a better place. I miss her like the desert misses rain and I love her as much as she loved me. Naturally I’m a little ball of emotions today as I know that her passing was a necessary accident for me to be wide awake when it comes to the changing of our planet and for that I’m grateful.


What I wouldn’t give for that one last hug though, man she was a good hugger. I am following in those footsteps because I get told more often than not I’m a great hugger as well. My mom also said that if you know somebody well enough to hug ’em hug ’em like you mean it so that’s exactly what I do whether I know ’em well or not. I’m a hugger.

God’s grace did fall on me that day though because I was able to speak to her like three hours before she passed. She wasn’t feeling well so I told her to get some rest and that I loved her and I’d talk to her soon.

I got the call at 7:30, I was standing in the FedEx office picking up invitations for my work for a graduation that never happened. I guess you could call it the worst night of my life, it’s a blur really. I just remember feeling helpless being 1,600 miles away knowing there was nothing I could do. I don’t remember much but I do remember begging God to take me instead because my mother was the epitome of what a human being should be.

Little did I know that I would actually be given a second chance at life to become an amazing woman just like my mother and every day that’s what I strive to be. I’ll keep saying it LOL I’m a work in progress but I’m certainly becoming the woman that she knew I could be and every day she guides me and paves the way. And for that I say thank you.

Eventually this jigsaw puzzle that I call my path will all come together and make sense but until then I have to be strong and persistent and persevere and keep moving forward no matter how hard it is no matter how frustrating it is and no matter how tired I get of learning lessons I keep moving forward because God’s not done with me.

I’ve seen the angel number 222 two times in probably two minutes, no joke. It was 12:22 when I started this post and it’s in the SKU on my flashcards right now in front of my face. So naturally I look it up, you’d think I’d have this stuff memorized but there’s way too much stuff to memorize. And as I get older I tend to have “sometimers” disorder…sometimes I remember and sometimes I don’t.

222… you’re about to embark on a new journey or cycle. Have faith in your Spirit Guides (mamacita) as your divine power grows stronger have faith and keep moving forward in a positive direction. This is a period of expansion reflecting growth and a reminder that you’re not alone.

Healing relationship bonds.

Starting new partnerships.

Co-creating a dream.

Love and Light