Unpacking The Bible

I was finally able to participate in the workshop hosted by Billy Carson and Paul Wallis discussing subjects such as paleo contact, ancient tablets, the Bible and how they’re all connected. I wanted to take part in this workshop because it’s important to me to not only learn the truth about our origins but to also have the ability to comprehend what I’m learning. It’s one thing to memorize and regurgitate or even paraphrase but it’s another to speak with confidence.

This workshop took place over the weekend and was actually cancelled and rescheduled twice due to Billy Carson becoming ill with pneumonia. He was hospitalized at one point and even had a NDE and/or OBE where he was able to visit the afterlife which I think is pretty cool. This workshop was roughly six hours and touched on quite a bit of information.

I think it’s fair to say most of this information is new to mainstream and will probably upset a majority, especially those with a religious (Christian) background. I’m not here to ruffle feathers (or make friends) but I can’t help but notice that that seems to be a theme of mine in this lifetime so I guess it would only make sense that this subject runs deep in my blood as far as captivating my interests.

While I’m not going to unpack everything I learned and that’s simply because I still don’t know everything I want to know but this article will at least touch base on all that I’m curious about. Now that I have access to resources and materials where I can go straight to the source (no pun intended) I can learn at my own pace. We’re probably talking years, I don’t even know.

What I do know is I’m just following my heart which is nudged by my intuitive prompts and ques from my invisibles. To be honest a lot of the ancient Sumerian tablets along with Babylonia and Mesopotamia are a completely different language, literally and figuratively, and for someone like myself who doesn’t know the Bible forwards and backwards it can be a wee bit overwhelming.

I can’t help but think that that might also be by design. Sure I was baptized Christian as a baby and even again as an adult three years ago however something has always struck me as off so to speak about the Bible. I’m sure I’m going to strike a lot of nerves with some of the stuff I’m about to share but I do believe this is another reason I’m here and that’s to speak truth.

Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot of validity in the Bible too and I believe whole heartedly there are verses and psalms set in place as guidelines on how to better oneself and connect to the divine. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have those sayings scattered throughout my living quarters. As an adult however I have become more and more interested in learning about where we come from, how the universe works right along with who wrote the Bible and why did they leave certain texts and gospels out?

This curiosity is 100% by design though. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you look at my birth chart I have a stellium in the 9th House of Sagittarius which is all about expanding my knowledge and experiences in subjects such as spirituality, religion, intuition, philosophy and long distance travel. Wanting to understand ancient civilizations along side religious texts like the Bible only makes sense. It was planned out before I arrived to have an awakening at the age of 45, thanks to the transitioning of my mother, to unlock these curiosities and desires to know more.

I think not knowing the Bible like the back of my hand has given me an advantage to unpacking it, I can only imagine how difficult it will be for those who dare to learn the truth after so many centuries of suppression and programming. The information I’m discovering these days certainly won’t make me the popular one at church anymore but for me it’s not about popularity and having people like me, it’s about learning the whole story, the real story.

I’m going to just give you a taste of what I’m learning. For starters Paul Wallis is all about getting to the root meanings of the all the words in the texts, the root meanings of the key words in the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian and biblical texts. He couldn’t help but notice the summaries in the Mesopotamian stories ran parallel with the ancient texts which is what sparked his search for the truth in the first place, after spending 33 years as an active member (very active) in the church not to mention ministry consultancy.

Some of these overlapping summaries he was noticing included planetary catastrophes, hybridization of humans with advanced beings, conflicts among colonizing non humans, and one we’re all quite familiar with which is the great flood narrative. I think one of the biggest misinterpretations in the Bible is the meaning of the word Elohim. It’s plural.


God has been humanized and means so many things to so many people and is why I prefer to use Creative Source or All That Is, or Source. In my world God is a frequency, God is Love, God is Everything. I use the term God because it’s understood by most and meaning the same thing. Same goes for angels, everybody knows exactly what an angel is. I think them to be something different but the same yet still call them angels for the sake of what humanity already knows. Even the stories of Yeshua himself have been misinterpreted and that’s because the Bible is written from the lens of Roman Imperial religion.

We don’t realize how much was distorted when the Roman Empire hijacked Christianity making it the imperial department of religion. Now when people read the gospels they think they’re reading about worship (don’t even get me started about the worship gene) or idolatry, heaven and hell, obedience vs sin, they’re actually reading about the binaries of Imperial Christianity.

It all boils down to the root meanings of words. It’s not about paying, praying and obeying like we’ve been programmed to believe. Jesus didn’t come to die for our sins, he came to teach. Jesus wanted to empower us for lives of discovering who we truly are and that’s sparks of Source, of God. Sure my church believes Jesus is God in human form and I totally agree, but so am I and so are you. We all have the same healing capabilities as Jesus, we just have to tap in. Or go to India for (the missing) eighteen years to learn how to do it.

All joking aside I’m not undermining the Bible, like Paul Wallis, I just don’t agree with how it’s translated, preached and taught. The Hebrew stories are part of a global family of stories that talk about invasions, conquests, colonization and a time when we were governed and abused by non human beings who were here to exploit the planet and the human race who inhabited it.

I’ll give you two quick examples and that’s Psalms 82 and Deuteronomy 32 where it describes just after the invasion of Elohim (the powerful ones) which has been translated into a singular God when it’s really plural at the root level. Elohim’s arrival is also described as the arrival of the flying armies that formed the Council of Power.

Elohim is also the root Hebrew word for Anunnaki FYI

Needless to say I will continue to study these misinterpretations because it’s one thing to know it but it’s another to have knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the information in all the tablets and papyruses and especially the Bible. Where it leads me I have no idea, all I know is it interests me and I’m gonna guess when humanity really starts to wake up they’re gonna want to know too. At the very least I want to be able to answer questions many may fear to ask.

I took some screenshots of stuff people had to say towards the end of the workshop, you can learn a lot by reading comments wherever you may find yourself watching and learning, especially Reddit, just sayin. Some comments are funny too, horse feathers…it gets me every time!


Happy birthday to my favorite Sagittarian, you know who you are.

Love and Light