Unreconciled Hurt

I learned something about the heart the other day that I have to say made mine ache a little when it crossed my ears. I was listening to Gregg Braden talking about heart disease and not only the ramifications surrounding it but also a reasoning behind it. Our hearts pump about 12,000 miles of blood through our arteries, capillaries and veins in a 24 hour period which kind of blew my mind.

Our hearts are the most important organs in our body and they do miraculous things that we can’t even see, so why then are we dying between the ages of 70 to 100, and that’s being generous these days. We should all be familiar with some of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease such as vascular plaque, stroke and probably the biggest and most common which is high blood pressure.

I know of two people right off the top of my head that I love dearly who are no longer in my life who both suffered from high blood pressure, and no my mother wasn’t one of them. My brother was though. I’ll be honest when I learned the truth behind what causes it I cried a little, I did.

The compassion I felt in that precise moment was unmeasurable. It made my heart ache when I learned it was from unreconciled hurt. I was thinking about how much hurt has to be built up and how much hurt one has to carry around on a daily. It’s hurt that’s carried around in silence and it’s enough to cause the heart to pump in over drive which makes me a little sad inside.

It makes me sad because nobody should have to carry that kind of burden. I don’t care who you are or what you’ve done, we all make mistakes and if anything it’s a big reason why we’re here. You don’t grow from being perfect. Making mistakes is probably the number one way to learn and grow but now I know how important it is to recognize that that’s exactly what they are. They’re mistakes so learn from it, forgive for it and then forget about it. Move forward.

In fact all symptoms of heart disease are from unreconciled chronic (long-term) thoughts and feelings of fear, frustration, anxiety, disappointments and the like. It was published in a Consulting Clinical Psychology journal in 1999 and what it’s saying is that at the end of the day all these symptoms (that we all face on daily basis one way or another) fall under the umbrella of hurt. Unreconciled hurt.

This information has been around for at least twenty years so why are we just now really hearing about it? It’s pretty detrimental in my opinion and is not just important but it makes all the difference in the world because basically we’re just hurting ourselves to death. How do we fix it is the next question. Why don’t we start by not hurting ourselves, and stop hurting the ones we love.

The Essenes (Jesus was an Essene FYI) talk about how when our soul hurts from the pain of things we’ve lost that that pain transmits into the body as the spiritual quality of the energy of the life force that goes into every cell. However the same principles that allow us to hurt ourselves to death (according to The Spontaneous Healing Belief) also work in reverse which allows us to heal ourselves. Which, in my opinion, can also be accredited to our smart body, it’s our innate that’s responsible for spontaneous remission.

So how do we start to heal then, especially when it looks different for everybody. I can tell you where it began for me and that was through forgiveness. You start to heal, one by having a desire and making an intention but the main way is through forgiveness, by forgiving others and more importantly by forgiving yourself.

It reminds of a movie I recently watched, Good Will Hunting, an oldie but goodie and what a fantastic movie with more than one message to relay. It reminds me of the powerful scene towards the end where Robin Williams pretty much forces Matt Damon to recognize that none of the hurt that has caused so much pain in his life is his fault.

It starts with forgiveness and every single one of our Ascended Masters brought that as part of their teachings. I can tell you that’s exactly where it started with me and let me tell ya something else, I have a pretty colorful past so there was a lot of forgiving that had to take place. And if I’m being honest it truly is a lifelong process but it definitely started with me forgiving myself.

I feel like once you’re able to forgive yourself then forgiving others just seems to fall into place. And don’t think for a second I didn’t ask for help because I did. Asking for help is another life long commitment I feel is necessary because we are in this together so whether you’re asking for help from a friend, a neighbor or even a stranger, or miracles from your invisibles, we should never have too much pride to ask for help when we need it. Let go of that unhealthy pride.

I think if we also redefine what loss means, what that leaving means of everything we cherish, we can change everything. We are the generation of change, we are the trail blazers learning how to reconcile our lives so that when we come back it’s better. Even if you don’t believe in reincarnation I’m telling you you’re coming back.

You wanna know something cool about the metaphysical? I’ve mentioned how the energy is changing and on every level. Even though you can’t see it or maybe even feel it yet but I’m here to also tell you the energy is changing. Now when we reincarnate we come back in picking up where we left off and by that I mean we no longer have to heal karma and a main reason for that is because we’re finally learning the truth behind it all. Why we hurt and how to heal it.

No more amnesia upon arrival, we finally are figuring out how to get unstuck from the karmic loop we’ve been running on for God only knows how long. I don’t know about you but that gets me all pumped for my transition knowing that when I return all the hard work I’m doing in this lifetime will come back with me and I get to pick up where I left off.

I’ve come leaps and bounds in four years alone and haven’t even awakened to my spiritual gifts yet so I can only imagine where I’ll be ten years from now and in what ways I’ll be magically helping others by the time I transition to the afterlife, to our real life, on the other side of the veil with all the loved ones we’ve lost along the way. It most definitely gives me something to look forward to.

Let’s heal the world so we can make it a better place.

Love and Light