I absolutely fell in love with Provo, Utah. What an adorable little (college) town this was. The cloud capped mountains were beautiful, the people were kind and I was in love. In fact everyone in every part of Utah was uber friendly but if I were ever to move to Utah, Provo would be my first choice. It rained the day we rolled through, which is my favorite weather, and then the clouds sitting on every mountain in every direction made it mystical making it super dreamy.
After doing our thing at Planet Fitness we headed to the Black Bear Diner for a meal like grandma makes. One of the best parts about road trips is eating out of course but for me it was also the hardest because eating clean kind of goes out the window. I knew that going in and we did do our best with snacks but eating healthy is something I like to prioritize. I’m making up for it now that I’m back though so yay.
We spent the rest of the day, and all day as a matter of fact, driving to Reno to get to Cracker Barrel which is where we stayed the night. Reno took the silver for temperature, it was a whopping 30 degrees when we woke up. It was the gold until we woke in Mt. Shasta. with 29.

Reno was cool though, we didn’t stay in too many places too long knowing we were going to spend most of our time in California which was next on the docket. I found it funny that of all the places I really wanted to see, most were in the state not only that I currently live in but also the state in which I was born. Funny how it works out that way.
We ended up having dinner upon arrival at the cutest little restaurant called The Stonehouse Cafe with the yummiest food. I really liked the look of it, the ambiance was warm and cozy and I’m a sucker for twinkling lights. The food was phenomenal and the waitstaff was just as good. I had the eggplant while Amber had chicken with the best mashed potatoes and vegetables.
Love and Light