Vaccine Facts For Dumb Dumbs

Vaccine Facts For Dumb Dumbs


V@cc!ne facts for dummies has to be the best informative video yet. I mean there’s a reason it didn’t come out a long time ago, but they can’t stop us now. You guys, the world is watching and Americans are like the Obi One Kanobi of The New World Order and if we don’t start preparing to push back against these mandates and everything that’s still to come, it’ll be too late and we will be the next Australia.

I don’t know about you but I like my freedom, I like going to the grocery store for what I need when I need it, I like my neighbors (most of ’em) and I like spending my money the way I want to. You know what I don’t like?


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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