
I have been seeing and hearing Vegas everywhere for weeks. Las Vegas really but Vegas in general. Be it on license plate frames, shirts, you name it. I kid you not it seems as though every other customer says Las Vegas when I ask ’em where they’re from. At first I thought okay Vegas is in a neighboring state, I’m no stranger to turn around trips, so that can make sense. But when it’s like 7 out of 10 I’m like hmmm, this has to be something more. It really got my gears grinding because I do ask Spirit what my next steps are or ask what it is I need to learn or focus on and that’s when I get words like angel and nirvana. It’s funny because I go so far as to say make it so obvious I can’t miss it, enter stage right with Vegas.

Clearly they’re not asking me to take a trip to Vegas, right? Haha, doubt that highly. There’s a lot of dark happening in Vegas and certainly isn’t where I need to be spending my time unless there’s a Disclosure Festival or something. Side note and come to find out they spent two days prior to that event clearing the energy in and around the Luxor. Anyway, and then it dawned on me. A few weeks ago I was watching a video from The Alchemist about sacred secretion and while I hadn’t even finished the video I remember a lightbulb went off when she said vagus nerve. I still didn’t go back and finish the video right away, fast forward a couple weeks, I do watch it and do some research and the signs subside.

Spirit communicates in so many ways. I think the most frustrating part is the fact that it’s mostly code, allegories and metaphors but it is what it is. True spiritual prophecy and sometimes the most profound messages, even to the indigenous, came in code. Book of Revelations…all code. Spirit always communicates through metaphors, how else would a multidimensional God speak to a single digit dimensional human says Kryon.

The 7 days it took to create the Earth, they were dispensations of benevolent grace. They were exemptions to the rules meaning it was permitted to not follow the rules and things were created in a way that made more sense. The result was the planet along with its universal laws. It can be confusing, believe me I know. It’s right up there with God and Love but some things I don’t have to figure out completely, they just are and I guess the 7 days is one of those too.

Some have figured this out, some like me are just now figuring it out while others are stuck for a lack of a better word in the old and are teaching things in literal terms. Some how deep down I did know all along I didn’t come from a rib though. A rib, really? I guess it could be possible with everything I do believe in but a rib, not true. Sorry, spoiler alert. As humans we tend to compartmentalize everything not to mention getting stuck in the minutia of it all, having the need for details. It’s the minutia that’ll get you in trouble. For example, every time we hear crystalline associated with anything be it a grid, planet or entity, it’s actually metaphorical for that which holds vibration or remembers.

My Vegas symbolism has since stopped and that’s because I’ve done my homework. The Alchemist can be a little wordy for me sometimes, she’s at a level clearly I’m not but watching her video then led with one click to another video which made it much easier for me to absorb and understand.

It’s not the first time I’ve heard about the milk and honey and I can’t help but think about how one of my friends at church was telling me about speaking in tongues and how you can feel the Holy Spirit come up from your spine and how amazing it all is. Can’t help but also notice how this all sounds like a kundalini awaking.

Some of the important takeaways (for me) from this video…

The vagus nerve is a network of nerves known as the Tree of Life which transforms the sacred secretion/Christ oil to receive the true anointing of the Holy Spirit. I like how there was a lot of angel numbers, my angel numbers anyway. 227 and 911 specifically. I also like how there was a lot of scripture. I can’t help but go back to my first prophetic message where I was told to do that which is biblical. I may not agree with everything they teach in the Bible but it certainly is a big piece of my puzzle.

Milk and honey is produced by the pineal gland which also produces melatonin which in turn affects our mood, immune system and circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle). It aids in anti-aging and reduces stress because it suppresses cortisol which is the dis-ease feeding stress hormone. Well no wonder they want to calcify our pineal gland with things like fluoride in our drinking water and toothpaste. It reminds me of a comment a customer once told me about Disneyland and how they stayed hydrated because they have drinking stations everywhere and I thought to myself, I bet they do. Ugh it’s frustrating how blatant it all is. I have to be careful though, no judgments. It’s difficult for sure.

Did you know LORD translates into light of the world? I didn’t. Well no wonder I said because I love the lord. Super grateful for this video and all its insight. Thank you for bringing it to my attention Spirit. And thank you Kelly-Marie Kerr for producing it. Knowledge is power and I’m like a little sponge that can’t get enough. What was even cooler were the confirmations in the form of numbers surrounding this video when I finished it.

Matthew 5:8

God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see the lord

My version…Blessed are those whose hearts are pure for they will see the Light of the world.

Heaven on Earth

Love and Light