I spent the entire morning crying because yes this is a lot of information and because I care. I care about humanity, I care about my neighbors and I care about my country. I care about our freedom and what’s it’s going to be like if it’s stolen from us. I care deeply about my mission and what I’m here to do. I have been to hell and back and experienced loss on every level imaginable. I’ve had everything (just about) stripped from me and still I choose to care. I’ve learned so much. I’ve learned to forgive and love with no conditions, I’m still learning, and now I’m learning to fight, to really fight for what’s right.

I‘m God’s child and I can’t turn my back on him, I can’t tell him no. My moms death holds more purpose than anybody could imagine. When my mom died I was gifted a deeper knowing whether I like it or not, I can’t give up, that’s just not an option and that’s not who I am. I’ve pulled myself from more trenches than most civilians could imagine possible and all I know how to do is dust myself off and keep going. I value my perseverance and I value my resiliency.

I have a moral obligation to make people aware of our situation at hand. It’s seems unfathomable, believe me I don’t want to believe it either but it’s happening. It doesn’t matter anymore who’s had the vaccine and who hasn’t, we are so past that but they want to keep us stuck there and keep us against each other while they covertly make us dependent on them and pull the ignorant rug right out from under us. This is it, we have one shot to do this before they send in Marshall Law to take over everything. The nurses and doctors who’ve been our hero’s since the beginning will be relieved of their duties. Call me crazy all you want, I don’t care. I don’t let negative peoples opinions rent space in my head. There’s no time for petty bullshit.

This is our chance to push back and prove to the world how we can come together as a nation, a nation under God, and say fuck you and the devils horse you rode in on because we won’t be bullied. I’m sure there’s a more tactful way to say it but it’s never been my strong suit. It’s not a conspiracy theory people, there’s signed government documents. My cousins husband is no longer serving but says they’ve been practicing this shit for YEARS.



— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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