Walmart Messages

Believe it or not I get messages every single time I go to Walmart, sounds silly I know but they’re there and today was no different. My first sign was lettering on a car in the parking lot that read, “It Gets Better.”  The t-shirt in the women’s section that read, “Strong Women Raise Strong Children.” As I rounded the clearance aisle then walking through the kids section there was a toy, I don’t even know what it was but I saw in big bold letters, “WRITE.” And the best of ’em all was when I was standing in line at checkout a guy passes me with a tattoo that took up his whole right arm and it read, “Philippians 4:13.”

This is the part of my journey that I absolutely love and I get these signs and synchronicities all the time and honestly it’s what keeps me going. In fact one of my mantras and when I’m speaking with my angels is, “keep ’em coming cause it’s what keeps me going.” Let’s not forget that little angel wink that I got again today while doing the dishes. Not only did the lights flash twice but they also briefly changed colors. Whaaaat? I’ve never seen those lights change colors before but today they did. And for that I say thank you.

Am I thrilled I’m living in my car? Ummmm….no. But I do know that it’s where the growth of my new cycle is taking place, it’s where I’m learning to depend on myself, learning to love and accept myself and embracing the power of prayer. In fact I’ve turned my car into my prayer closet, my war room. I don’t think people understand how effective and powerful prayer truly is and actually I had no idea until recently. And I know it’s gonna get better, of course it’s gonna get better. I haven’t come this far to just come this far LOL.

This is truly just the beginning. My last two years were the hardest two years of my life (well idk my whole life’s been pretty tough on and off but that’s okay lol) but they were necessary because I needed to balance my karmic lessons. Without all those obstacles, challenges, trials and tribulations and loss while learning to release and let go of things that no longer serve me whether I liked it or not, my soul wouldn’t have evolved at the warp speed that it has. I’m a completely different person than I was two years ago not to mention two months. Of course I miss my mom but she did this for me and I wouldn’t change any of it for anything, it was necessary. And for that I’m grateful.

My mother was a strong woman, she was the matriarch, and yes she raised an even stronger daughter who is in the process of the transformation of a lifetime and by writing and telling my story my goal is to inspire others to want to do the same. Not live in a car of course LOL but that’s my journey and everybody’s journey is different and you know what I mean.

Philippians 4:13… “I can do all things through Christ.”

Well that pretty much speaks for itself but you know the irony is when I looked it up I accidentally looked up Ephesians 4:13 and wouldn’t you know it there’s a message there too. I was gifted the New Spirit Filled Life Bible (thank you Barbara from New York, love her) and while I’m not gonna type the whole scripture I will tell you Ephesians 4:13-16 in the clarifier section reads, “a progress in maturity, stability, and integrity, taking place in every individual member’s experience, results in the whole body’s growth (numerical expansion) and edifying (internal strengethening).”

Well that certainly opened my eyes and touched my heart. And let’s not forget that 4/13 is my birthday and 4/16 is my mother’s birthday. Spirit is so rad. And just to be clear I will always identify as spiritual, never religious. I know that not only is Jesus Christ my savior (of course) but he’s also an Ascended Master and the Bible is just a piece of the puzzle. A little piece, or key if you will, to the secrets of the universe and with is every passing day that’s exactly what I’m slowly unlocking.

Love and Light