Weaponized by the Matrix, Nature & Angel Number 888

I love food for thought, it keeps my gears grinding and my curiousity going while my thirst for knowledge quenched. Not only are these guys easy on the eyes lol, they’re revealing so much that’s been suppressed for God only knows how long. I pray people receive this information with an open heart and open mind because those are the two big factors (along with love and compassion) we need to make this new world go round. Thanks guys for critically thinking and sharing this information.

My journey’s been a wee bit stressful these days with trying to figure out which way to go. While I know there’s no wrong turns I’m also a little tired of detours and what feels like road blocks. The uncertainty of the unknown and needing to have unwaivering faith can most certainly wreak havoc as stress is a silent killer and my body is letting me know loud and clear so I’m doing what I need to do for some much needed self-care while grounding and refocusing and making sure my connection to the Divine is as strong as possible.

Spring has definitely sprung as right outside my window every now and again I can hear the sweet chirping of baby birds as their momma arrives with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. It’s actually quite comforting in a way, you can always count on mom when you’re blessed with a good one. Although it could be dad too, hard to say, best I change that to parents. Speaking of moms though, I had the pleasure of spending a brief moment with a lady bug, it flew in the room while I was changing one of the girls the other day. We all know how my mom loves to show she’s around in the form of beetles, you betcha. And for that I say thank you.

Not sure what kind of bug this next one is, honestly it looked like a cross between a moth, a hummingbird and a zebra lol. Bigger than a moth, smaller than a hummingbird and striped like a zebra. Never seen one of these before, beautiful nonetheless.

I’m cashing in on that lotto ticket of abundance too and couldn’t be more grateful, I’ve been invited to a spiritual conference in Sedona Arizona. Definitely something to look forward to as I can relax a little more consideriing it’s all paid in full, all that’s left is my transportation and after taking my trial run from Oregon I’ll book my train ticket when the time is right. A thousand hallelujahs and a thousand more.

Love and Light