Woke up with this song in my head. I know exactly what this means, had a few moments around my mom yesterday and asked for a sign she’s near me and this morning I got it, thanks mom.
I’m still super fresh on my journey that will ultimately last till the end of time too and not just this lifetime but until I reach enlightenment really, and I won’t have to return to the school of hard knox we call earth. To be honest my goal is to get it right this lifetime but we’ll see cause I still have a lot to learn and a long way to go.
As I’m still reflecting, as I often due but especially these past few days thanks to the (healing) full moon in Aries and the 10/10 portal we just had, I’m recalling a few things that in the beginning I be like what does that even mean?
For the longest time I had no clue what that meant. I remember hearing, “make sure you’re grounded” and was completely perplexed. As time has gone by and I’ve learned and experienced more on my journey I can now confidently give my interpretation of what it means to be grounded.
For me it means to be in a peaceful place, in the present moment cool, calm and collected where nothing will be able to phase you, surprise you or catch you off guard and in a good place with very few outside distractions. You stand firm with who you are and where you are and are completely aware of your surroundings. You’re solid.
In the present moment.
Being in the present moment means just that, not thinking or dwelling on past actions or reactions and not trying to predict the future. You’re in the here and now and it’s where you should always try to be. You don’t spend ridiculous amounts of time on the past or the future, especially the past cause the past is over, you can’t go back so there’s no sense in wasting energy on things you cannot change. Reminiscing’s cool, like yesterday with my memories of my mom, but when it comes to mistakes just know the lessons that needed to be learnt and move forward. Don’t get stuck in the suck, as I like to say, just keep going.
There’s a fine line in reminiscing and getting stuck in the suck but reminiscing is important and yesterday is a prime example. I was able to heal a little more as feelings and emotions surfaced that I thought I was okay with and clearly I wasn’t. I felt those feelings, cried it out and moved forward. As opposed to stuffing ’em deep down and pretending like everything’s okay when it’s not. And unfortunately that concept is a lot more difficult for men because most of us have grown up with the belief system that that’s not okay and that’s simply false. For me there’s nothing quite as sexy than seeing a grown man cry, it shows that they’re sensitive, not to mention okay with being vulnerable.
Your intuition is your gut feeling, your spidey senses. I’m still learning with this one. I’ve been blessed with amazing intuition I just need to learn to trust it more. I’m a work in progress but I’m getting there.
Go within. All the answers are within.
Still working on this one too. In fact I struggle a little with this one. Lets be real, meditating isn’t my favorite. I have a hard time on a two hour flight with plenty to do and you want me to sit here doing absolutely nothing while trying to think about absolutely nothing. It’s a wee bit difficult for me. Being half fire might have something to do with it lol cause it just doesn’t move fast enough. I remember hearing, “don’t leave until the magic happens,” well dagnabit how long’s that gonna take? I do it, I just don’t particularly care for it. There are other ways to meditate than just sitting in silence but it’s the most effective so again, I’m a work in progress.
By going within we allow ourselves to be discovered, to find out who we truly are. Prayer is another way to help discover your higher self. God is within, He is a part of all of us, He’s our Creator, the all-knowing, all-loving and all-forgiving.
There is such a thing as visual meditation and oh man this is so mesmerizing and satisfying…
If the other bee stories weren’t confirmation enough, this just solidifies it and makes my heart sing. Kinda blows my beetle story outta the water too lmao. I love it.
Love and Light