What’s Happening in Australia?

What’s Happening in Australia?

It blows my mind how a majority of people have no idea what’s going on in Australia. Gobsmacked. It makes complete sense though because why would mainstream media want us to see what’s potentially next here in the states? Facebook even censored me when I posted that same sentence the other day.

They didn’t delete it but they sure made sure it didn’t show up in the feed. Speaking of Facebook and Australia, a woman was arrested for posting something on Facebook. Check it out yourself. 


Conspiracy theory my ass, people are talking about it but Americans are glued to Facebook and Instagram. I guess it rings true when they say Facebook is for old people, that and G-rated, censored, fabricated boring ass shit. Old people don’t visit Reddit, Bitchute, Discord and others.

Now I’ve gotta make it my mission to do it the old fashioned way and go hand out flyers to get people aware. Do what you gotta do, right? I mean I have to, it’s part of my mission and purpose as to why I’m here. I now know this but have to admit I’m not thrilled by any stretch of the means.

I feel as though I have a moral obligation to make people aware. I don’t just feel it I know it and it stinks to be the messenger but it’s what I’ll do because it for the greater good of humanity.


— Melissa Parker
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Fearless Leader

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