When It Rains

I’ve got one question right now, lol, who the bleep invited Murphy? You know Murphy’s Law, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. I think I might’ve jinxed myself when I mentioned I was hyper-focused on my challenges. Orrrr all those 5’s I was seeing were warning me of some tough times ahead because those were child’s play compared to my last week and a half. Let’s see…my bike broke, my tooth broke, pulled it, then I tweaked my back. I don’t dare ask what else because they just might show me. It’s all good though, nothing phases me anymore and they could also be about my reaction. A tell tale sign one is expanding on their spiritual path is when you realize how quickly you can let go of things.

I have to be honest, when my bike broke the first thought that entered my mind was okay this could be a good thing. Maybe I’m not gonna need it for much longer. I’m well aware that sometimes when everything feels like it’s falling apart, it does that in order to fall back together, but in a better way. And wouldn’t you know it, somewhere in the midst of all my bustles a video popped up in my feed to remind of exactly that. I just glanced at the clock and it’s 1:44, thank you.

Not being on my bike has me rethinking my diet because when I was riding it daily I was a wee bit flexible with what I was eating and now that I’m not on it, in fact I haven’t been able to roller skate or do yoga for the past week. Not exercising at the moment has me really paying attention to what I’m eating. I’ve been saying for as long as I can remember that you can exercise all day long, what matters is what you put into your body. Kinda funny how I’m finally practicing what I preach on that one. Makes me wonder if it’s for purpose or all not quite happenstance. Hard to say.

It’s also got me in the kitchen more, perhaps that’s meant to be too as cooking is a very creative outlet and something I do enjoy just haven’t made the time for. I’ve got time now as my gums and back are healing. I’m deciding if I’m going to replace my bike or simply give it a little more time to see what transpires. If I’m actively living from my lessons learned I’ll probably go with the latter.

Then there’s my tooth, nothing says humble me like a partial lol. I’m just grateful I have an awesome dentist and the means to take care of it. Super grateful, always thankful. And then my back! I’ve been lifting children in and out of wheelchairs on and off my whole adult life and have never had a problem. Three days ago I lift my 5 gallon jug of alkaline water and boom slight sprain I guess.

Everything that’s transpired over the past week has got me thinking. Did all of this happen for a reason? Take me out of my exercise regime for a minute to really get my gears grinding, to change my view on my diet, to get me eating even better than I was before? Which got me thinking even more about the universe and how it tests us and puts us in situations that force us to grow. I can’t help but think that the universe doesn’t act alone, is it really my Higher Self that’s putting me to all these tests considering my Higher Self knows me better than anybody and knows exactly where my path is leading me? I don’t know but I have a sneaky suspicion I might be on to something.

Doesn’t matter if all this happened for a reason or not, it’s working, my eating habits are leveling up. What it all boils down to is discipline and I’m at the point on my journey where I need to not only embrace it but live it. Went to the grocery store for the missing ingredients to make my mushroom soup that turned out so good it made me wanna touch myself. Never met a mushroom I didn’t like. Along the way my mommy song played and on the way home Spirit played me another song. Not the first time I’ve heard this song when I needed some encouragement. I love how Spirit communicates through music.

what do you do when it rains, you look for the rainbow

Love and Light