Winter Solstice & New Beginnings

Yesterday was the winter solstice which actually marks the ten year anniversary to the beginning of the new era. As the official first day of winter the spiritual energy of the winter solstice calls people to turn inward and spend time in introspection. It was the shortest day of the year ushering everyone into the darker winter months. In light of this the lunation closest to the solstice is a great time to review your year, consider your accomplishments and use what you’ve learned to plan for your future.

To honor the full moon, set your intentions and add some illumination as the beginning of a new lunar cycle begins. New moons typically have an astrological vibe of fresh starts and this new moon phases spiritual energy is thought to be especially beneficial when beginning new projects so giddy up. I’m still on the fence when it comes to the moon as I’m learning as I go but I’ll tell you what, I have a sneaky suspicion the Pleiadeans are involved. They’re also responsible for the crystalline grid which is why we are going to be able to experience this beautiful new earth that I’m learning so much about. We may not see it all in this lifetime, I speak for myself and those around my age, and I guess that means I’m coming back around whether I like it or not because I’ll be damned if I’m not going to put in all this hard work for the rest of this lifetime to not reap the rewards.

As for me and my reflection, again, on this past year I can say I’m more than eager for the new year. Some new revelations have been brought to my attention that I’m looking forward to studying and then of course sharing all I learn. 2023 for me is all about the number three. Body, mind and Spirit. I’m being isolated once again, which is okay, this time in my new little sanctuary where I will focus on everything Spirit wants me to focus on and has planned for me. I’ll be working of course, need to pay for my sanctuary and there’s so many lessons to be learned there as well. While I have all the compassion and patience in the world for special needs, it’s everyone else I need to learn a little more for, and coworkers are on the docket.

I’m stepping down from my position at the church, I’ll still attend of course because I love to worship God but my focus will be on my new found studies which involve the Pleiadeans, Lemuria, Atlantis and ancient civilizations to name a few. I’ll also be studying all things quantum along with physics and the like. No wonder I need isolation, it’s a lot. Like a lot a lot lol. I didn’t care for physics back in high school but I also didn’t know much about it. I definitely consider myself a right brainer but now I’m learning to use both sides efficiently and I must say it feels pretty invigorating, I’m so much smarter than I ever gave myself credit for.

Last year my isolation was in my car and I was put there to learn all about me. To learn how to depend on me, believe in me and love all of me. While it was definitely challenging at times, so many times, it was all for purpose because it was through those challenging times that I did learn to depend on myself, believe in myself and I’ll admit I’m still learning to fully love myself. Like everything else, myself included, my blog will now be evolving. No more vaccine stuff, or anything negative really, I’d like to think everyone has all the resources necessary to find the information regarding that truth. My new focus is on the positive paradigm shift that will be happening and that is happening and I’m super excited to share all that I’ll be learning on that too. Spirit never seizes to amaze me with wonderful confirmations, angel numbers, messages, protection and the unconditional love that I’m shown and feel every single day. And for that I say thank you.

I’ve recently learned that I am a catalyst for energy. Everything I touch, everywhere I touch the earth with an enlightened state, it stays changed for the positive. There’s a quantum process happening that we cannot see, even on a molecular level. There’s a field of my DNA that interacts with the crystalline grid of the planet and I, along with others are here in this lifetime to help change Gaia. Old souls are at the forefront and I’m proud to say I’m one of ’em. Less than half of 1%.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in the event I’m not back til 2023.

Love and Light