Encouraging Words

Words are so important. I don’t think people realize just how potent words really are. Some would even go so far as to say they’re spells, or can be. I try to be very mindful (now) with some of the things I say. You will never hear the word hate come out of my mouth, in any fashion. I don’t like the word and actually cringe a little inside when I hear someone else use it. To me, it’s worse than the F-bomb, but then again I don’t have a problem with the F-bomb and actually dont’ trust anyone who doesn’t cuss a least a little lol. Besides, you won’t really hear the F-bomb come out of my mouth unless I’m passionate about something however I’m passionate about quite a bit so slips are inevitable, if you can call ’em slips.

I watched the babies at church yesterday and I was flattered by all the compliments I received. My goodness you’d think these people hadn’t seen me in months. I was MIA for three weeks but I was so taken aback with all the love I received. I guess I looked good with a cute outfit to boot. In all fairness I have dropped some weight but I didn’t think it was noticeable, and I wasn’t even trying. I ride my bike a lot and I do pay attention to what I’m eating and do my best to stay away from foods I call garbage.

My thought process shortly thereafter was wow, if I’ve made that much progress without even trying, imagine how healthy I’ll look if I do try so after the service I made a conscious decision, I even said out loud that I was going to the gym before going to work. And then the funniest thing happened. I hopped on my bike and was on my merry way, cruising through the neighborhood when a woman coming out of her house with her carry on luggage says to me all enthusiastically, “look at you! I’m proud of you! I love it!” I’ve never seen this woman in my life. I didn’t even respond, I just smiled and kept going. It made me feel so good though! I don’t even know the last time someone told me they were proud of me. I tell myself all the time but that doesn’t really count, when you hear it from someone else it makes all the difference in the world.

It would almost seem weird to the average person but I’m well aware it was either my mom or my angels or my guides. Actually now that I’m thinking about it as I’m typing about it, it was probably all of ’em because just like our Archangels they’re all in the land of oneness. For me personally, I heard my mom. Spirit uses people, for lack of a better word, to communicate to us. It’s beautiful really. So when strangers have something profound or out of the blue or simply lovely to say to you, chances are it’s your team from up above who are your biggest cheerleaders, they never miss a beat. They’re also well aware I don’t particularly care for the gym, never have, so to make a conscious effort to go to work out is big for me.

Shy is not the word that comes to mind when it comes to describing me, I’m definitely not shy, but when it comes to the gym, I’m shy. There’s another place I’m shy but the bedroom is private so I’ll keep it to myself, too late. I used to find it quite odd and wonder what the heck is going on, that doesn’t make any sense. Now that I know my Mars is in Pisces it all makes sense. Lord help us, or you rather, if my Mars was in Aries lol. If you don’t know anything about your birth chart I highly recommend exploring it, it’s fascinating and just might put things into perspective.

The comment from the lady reminded me of the time I was just gifted my bike and I was riding it down at the beach, on the boardwalk. There’s this hill and at the time it seemed huge because let me tell ya it was a tough climb. When I see it now I laugh because it’s actually pretty dinky but I was fresh on my bike so I was struggling to make it. I didn’t give up though and when I made it to the top (like five seconds later) a lady standing nearby had been watching and she said, “YOU DID IT!” Again it made me feel so good. Words of encouragement are so important. To this day when I do something that may be somewhat challenging or whatever, I still hear that lady in my head say you did it.

It’s so easy to be nice and encouraging. It really takes little to no effort and is totally free. If people just started with that the world would be on it’s way to a better, brighter place. I have faith we’ll get there though. I know it starts with me so needless to say I enjoy encouraging and complimenting people. I know how good it feels to receive ’em and you never know how you might change some ones day to a better one by simply being nice. A little encouragement goes a long way in my world and I do my best to always be humble and kind.

Love and Light