World Health Organization

I’ve been following Dr. John Campbell since, well hard to say, I started following him when he magically appeared in my YouTube feed. In my world that’s not by accident, I have a sneaky suspicion lol my guides brought him to my attention because not only is he educated and is a medical physician but he speaks truth and isn’t afraid to seek the truth even if it goes against everything he’s been taught or is told. I have mad respect for this man and am extremely grateful for his contribution not only on YouTube but in life. Thank you Doctor Campbell.

This is all happening behind the scenes to the majority of the public in the UK, now is the not the time to get comfy in thinking the plandemic is over. Just when everything gets back to “normal” is when they’ll strike again. I’m not sure the name of this well-spoken Brit, but he says that all it’s going to take is a simple majority of the member of state to approve these new regulations and two-thirds of majority would approve the treaty.

The regulations meaning the power for the WHO to order border closures on countries, travel restrictions, tracing of contacts, refusal of entry, forced quarantining, medical examinations including requirement for proof of vaccinations and even forced medication of individuals. And I believe he said these would be put in order without any disasters. I don’t know about you but that last one is beyond alarming to me.

Now is not the time to relax and think it’s over, we’re about to go through some serious upheaval in our world. Perhaps my most recent lessons of reactions are going to make more sense as it’ll be a reminder that the reaction is more important than the action as that’s where our power lies. It’s important not to react with fear but rather with love and compassion for ourselves and our neighbors. If you don’t get along with your neighbors now might be a good time to figure out why and practice forgiveness as it’s imperative that we all come together, unite and fight back against the dark entities that are trying to take ultimate control and deplete us of our freedom. We need to steer sovereignty away from the evil and back to the people and we can’t do that in a state of separation and/or fear.

I didn’t want my blog to focus on the negative but it’s so important that even those who aren’t fully awakened at least have a notion of what’s really going on in our world today. I can’t help it either I have this innate drive to speak truth loud enough for everyone to hear and I will continue to do so until we get through this. And we will get through this.

While all this negative narcissistic bullshit is happening behind the governmental scenes know that even more is happening behind the positive loving scene that’s being led by the white light and everything you can’t see with your physical eyes (yet). It’s okay if not everyone understands or is a true believer (yet), there’s enough of us who are and do and will fight tirelessly back until this (not so) silent war is over.

Keep the faith.

Love and Light