Is Yahweh God? Not

I’ve mentioned before that Spirit likes to bring things to my attention only to bring it back around again when I’m ready for more, or give me the reason it was brought to my attention briefly in the first place, and Paul Wallis is case in point. I’m really diggin’ everything this man has to say and what I was really attracted to in the first place was that he spent thirty years (33 to be exact which is a master number but I don’t think there’s a correlation but maybe since there’s no such thing as coincidences), he spent three decades as a Christian priest in Australia. He did much more than priesthood but what I liked about that is that this man knows the Bible and he knows it well.

It takes me back once again to my first prophetic message which said for me to do that which is biblical so basically study the Bible, that’s how I interpreted it anyway. At the time, roughly two years ago, I was somewhat confused because I had almost zero desire to actually read the Bible, but here I am now listening to Paul Wallis interpret the Bible and saying things about the translations of it all which make much more sense to me. I knew there was something iffy about a lot of scripture from the get go but having not studied it in any way I had no idea all that was true and what wasn’t.

I’ll be honest, this little white rabbit I’m following has me a wee bit nervous for no other reason than the church finding out that I believe Yahweh to be a colonizing non-human entity who was more than likely not the father of Jesus, even more so that I believe the Bible to be much more about paleo contact and sky people. Or that I think Genesis not to be the creation of Earth in 7 days and 7 nights but rather a reconstruction and rehabilitation of what was already here. But this is my journey and I’m sticking to it, it wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do it anyway and especially because it was against the grain. Or better yet, perhaps because it’s what I believe to be the Truth.

I’m a horrible liar (now lol) so I have to be honest again when I say my pastor makes me somewhat nervous these days because I don’t even know how any of ’em are gonna respond if and when they find out how I really feel. I can only imagine considering most of these people have spent their whole lives dedicated to studying and taking the Bible literally and here comes this outspoken, free-spirited independent thinker who’s four years fresh on her spiritual journey and basically talking blasphemy. I suppose I could just stop going which is the simple solution as I’m no stranger to letting things go, people included. I can’t overthink it though and I can’t let it bother me either, I’ll cross that bridge when and if I have to. Hopefully Spirit will have plucked me up and placed me somewhere else by then.

Paul Wallis and Billy Carlson speak on a lot of the same topics and I’ve mentioned Billy Carson (and Matt LaCroix) before in my blog too. All three of ’em capture my undivided attention for their extensive research and knowledge base. They use specific examples and (especially Matt LaCroix) are all very  passionate about it, you can hear it in their voices. It’s funny because I was watching a video last week and I said out loud that I wondered if Paul Wallis and Billy Carson hung out and wouldn’t you know it, the very next day a video popped up in my feed of them together promoting a class I’m now taking in August.

I don’t know how many times I have to say that I’m not in charge so I go where my intuition leads me and this is exactly where my path is taking me right this second. I’m doing everything I can to educate myself on the topics of things like paleo contact and interpreting the Bible the way it was meant to be, before it was put together and edited by however many people before landing in our laps. This video is a great example of why I’m listening to everything Paul Wallis has to say.  It’s 11:33 as I paste this video. Another angel number that’s been making an obvious appearance lately…133. I heard someone describe it as the master number 33 which is all about ascended masters (Jesus…hello) and the 1 in front of it is simply emphasizing it. I like that.

Love and Light