YouTube Disclaimer

While I’m trying to keep my blog upbeat focusing more on the (most of the time lol) awesomeness of a spiritual awakening, I also find it imperative to keep whoever is interested in knowing pertinent information. I like to call it TRUTH. I’m here on Earth right now for many reasons and one of ’em is most certainly to spread the truth about situations involving humanity because I’d really like to keep it around. I didn’t start my blog however long ago by accident. I didn’t know it then but I created it for more than one reason, this being one of ’em. To spread truth whenever possible.

No disrespect to YouTube, I rely heavily on them for a lot of reasons but it just shows evidence of censorship which really is no big surprise or anything new. It’s just concrete confirmation.

I mentioned Dr. John Campbell in a previous post. I really like him, I love his accent. He’s a doctor, he is vaccinated and he does speak truth. He’s more interested in the facts as far as numbers are concerned and he’s definitely one of my go-to’s as well. He just posted a video that I found interesting of course, nothing I didn’t already know for the most part, but what I found even more interesting was the YouTube disclaimer for posting guidelines at the end of his video. If you don’t feel like watching the video about how there’s excessive deaths now NOT caused by COVID itself but rather from heart problems among others diseases and disorders in ALL ages, here’s the disclaimer…

Don’t post content on YouTube if it includes harmful misinformation about currently approved and administered vaccines on any of the following:

Vaccine safety: content alleging that vaccines cause chronic side effects that are recognized by health authorities.

Claims about COVID-19.

Vaccinations that contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the WHO.

Claims that an approved COVID-19 vaccine will cause death, infertility, miscarriage, autism or contradiction of other infectious diseases.

Uummmm, okay so misinformation as far as who is concerned? Fauci the fibber McGee? There’s no “alleging”, they do. I’ve got news for you, they aren’t “claims” but rather they’re facts. But that’s just me. I’ve learned over the years that the truth can be and sometimes is exactly what the expert consensus is saying. And we should probably do exactly opposite of what they suggest we do.

Forgive me for not remembering exactly how to word it, I’ll have to go back and re-listen to David Palmer cause he said it best. Something along the lines of the truth has be put out there that way we can’t act like it was hidden from us. The truths are 100% all out there it’s just being able to find them and then correctly discern exactly what, when, where, why and how which is something I’m gradually getting the hang of. And for that I say thank you.

At this point when it comes to vaccines, it is what it is. If you got it you got it and if you didn’t you didn’t. Like I’ve said I’ve come to now understand that everyone has their own person reason for making the decisions that they make and I respect every single one of ’em. I also have this deep feeling when it comes to vaccines that it’s not the end all be all. There has to be a flip side (Law of Duality) and that will show itself in time so be patient. I will say this (again) though, God’s not gonna let us lose this war, no way no how so have faith.

And please don’t get anymore boosters. Don’t even get me started on how much money they’re making off every single one of ’em either. UGH.


Love and Light